40 岁的布兰登·加文 (Brandon Gavin) 因加重过失杀害其 2 个月大的儿子而被捕,他的儿子因服用合成卡西酮而死亡。 40-year-old Brandon Gavin arrested for aggravated manslaughter of his 2-month-old son, who died from synthetic cathinone ingestion.
塔拉哈西警方逮捕了 40 岁的布兰登·加文 (Brandon Gavin),他涉嫌于一月份导致其 2 个月大的儿子因服用合成卡西酮而死亡。 Tallahassee Police have arrested Brandon Gavin, 40, in connection with the death of his 2-month-old son who died from ingesting synthetic cathinone in January. 在卡萨贝拉套房酒店 (Casa Bella Inn and Suites) 内,人们发现孩子已经失去意识,加文现在面临儿童加重过失杀人罪的指控。 The child was found unresponsive at the Casa Bella Inn and Suites, and Gavin now faces a charge of aggravated manslaughter of a child. 现场的毒品用具经检测也含有相同物质。 Drug paraphernalia at the scene also tested positive for the same substance. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.