纽约市议员苏珊庄(Susan Zhuang)因涉嫌在无家可归者收容所抗议期间咬伤一名警察而被捕。 New York City Council member Susan Zhuang arrested, accused of biting a police officer during homeless shelter protest.
纽约市议员苏珊庄(Susan Zhuang)于周三被捕,并被指控在抗议其选区建造无家可归者收容所期间咬伤一名警察。 New York City Council member Susan Zhuang was arrested on Wednesday and accused of biting a police officer during a protest against the construction of a homeless shelter in her district. 这名布鲁克林民主党人在一场混乱的抗议活动中被拘留,社交媒体上发布的图像和视频显示警察与抗议者发生冲突。 The Brooklyn Democrat was taken into custody during a chaotic protest, with images and videos posted on social media showing police clashing with protesters. 庄某被指控袭击罪、拒捕罪和妨碍司法公正罪。 Zhuang is being charged with assault, resisting arrest, and obstruction.