为应对经济困难,尼日利亚众议院同意在六个月内将工资削减 50%。 Nigeria's House of Representatives agreed to cut salaries by 50% for 6 months in response to economic hardship.
尼日利亚众议院同意将议员工资削减 50% 六个月,以应对公民面临的持续经济困难和饥饿。 Nigeria's House of Representatives agreed to cut their salaries by 50% for six months in response to the ongoing economic hardship and hunger faced by citizens. 这一决定是在通过一项议案修正案后做出的,该修正案敦促议员们牺牲每月 60 万奈拉薪水的 50% 来支持尼日利亚人民的困难。 The decision was made after the adoption of an amendment to a motion's prayer, urging lawmakers to sacrifice 50% of their monthly N600,000 salaries to support Nigerians in view of the hardship. 减薪将为政府应对食品成本上涨和减轻公民痛苦做出6.48亿奈拉的贡献。 The salary reduction will contribute N648 million to the government's efforts to address rising food costs and alleviate the suffering of citizens.