密歇根州监狱警长罗纳德·莱吉特 (Ronald Leggitt) 因涉嫌在 2021 年 12 月 16 日入狱期间用梅斯袭击一名女囚犯而面临七项重罪指控。 Michigan jail sergeant, Ronald Leggitt, faces trial for allegedly assaulting a female inmate with mace during booking on Dec 16, 2021, facing seven felony charges.
密歇根州监狱警长罗纳德·莱吉特 (Ronald Leggitt) 即将接受审判,他涉嫌在希尔斯代尔县监狱中,在一名被拘留的女囚犯被拘留期间,多次使用梅斯棍或胡椒喷雾对其进行袭击。 Michigan jail sergeant, Ronald Leggitt, is set to stand trial for allegedly assaulting a female inmate in Hillsdale County jail with mace or pepper spray multiple times while she was restrained. 他面临七项重罪指控,其中包括六项使用危险武器袭击罪和一项渎职罪。 He faces seven felony charges, including six counts of Assault with a Dangerous Weapon and one count of Misconduct in Office. 该事件发生在2021年12月16日的预订过程中。 The incident occurred during the booking process on December 16, 2021.