不列颠哥伦比亚省保守党领袖 John Rustad 提出了一项医疗保健计划,其中包括保证等候时间、增加私人诊所的使用以及提供省外选择。 BC Conservative Leader John Rustad proposes a health-care plan with guaranteed wait times, increased private clinic use, and out-of-province options.
公元前 B.C. 保守党领袖约翰·鲁斯塔德提出了一项医疗保健计划,旨在确保医疗服务的等待时间,增加私人诊所的使用率,如果等待时间未达到要求,则将患者送往省外或国际医疗机构。 Conservative Leader John Rustad proposes a health-care plan to establish guaranteed wait times for medical services, increase private clinic usage, and send patients to out-of-province or international facilities if wait times are not met. 该计划包括扩大私人诊所、维持公共资助的医疗保健系统以及削减管理成本。 The plan includes expanding private clinics, maintaining a publicly-funded healthcare system, and cutting administrative costs.