1.5亿年前的剑龙化石“Apex”创下苏富比拍卖4460万美元纪录,超越2020年的霸王龙” 150-million-year-old Stegosaurus fossil "Apex" sets a record at $44.6m Sotheby's auction, surpassing 2020 T. rex "
一块名为“Apex”的1.5亿年前的剑龙化石在纽约苏富比拍卖会上以4460万美元的价格成交,创下了恐龙化石拍卖纪录,超过了2020年创下的恐龙化石拍卖纪录,当时一具名为斯坦的霸王龙骨架以3180万美元的价格成交。 150-million-year-old Stegosaurus fossil, named "Apex," sells for a record $44.6 million at a Sotheby's auction in New York, surpassing the previous auction record for dinosaur fossils set in 2020 when a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton named Stan sold for $31.8 million. 这位匿名的美国买家计划探讨将该标本借给美国机构的可能性。 The anonymous American buyer plans to explore the possibility of loaning the specimen to a US institution.