FIC强调了为罗马尼亚卫生系统提供资金对于创新、生产力和可持续经济增长的重要性。 The FIC highlights the importance of financing Romania's health system for innovation, productivity, and sustainable economic growth.
外国投资者委员会 (FIC) 强调了资助罗马尼亚卫生系统的重要性,并指出健康作为人力资本的基础对于创新、生产力和可持续经济增长至关重要。 The Foreign Investors Council (FIC) has emphasized the importance of financing Romania's health system, stating that health as the foundation of human capital is essential for innovation, productivity, and sustainable economic growth. 罗马尼亚面临复杂的预算环境,但医疗保健仍应是优先领域。 Romania faces a complicated budgetary context, but healthcare should remain a priority sector.