在美国职业棒球大联盟全明星赛上演唱国歌的乡村音乐明星英格丽德·安德丝承认醉酒并计划康复。 Country music star Ingrid Andress, who sang the National Anthem at MLB's All-Star Game, admitted intoxication and plans rehab.
32 岁的乡村歌手英格丽德·安德丝 (Ingrid Andress) 在美国职业棒球大联盟本垒打大赛上演唱了国歌,她在 Instagram 上为自己的“醉酒”表演道歉,并表示她将前往康复中心接受治疗。 Country singer Ingrid Andress, 32, who performed the National Anthem at an MLB Home Run Derby event, apologized on Instagram for her "drunk" performance, stating she would check herself into a rehab facility for treatment. 安德烈斯对《星条旗之歌》的音调挑战演绎在网络上疯传,许多人批评这是近年来最糟糕的国歌表演之一。 Andress's pitch-challenged rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner" went viral, with many criticizing it as one of the worst National Anthem performances in recent memory.