全球最大的室内冰雪主题公园——哈尔滨冰雪大世界在中国全面开放。 Harbin Ice and Snow World, the world's largest indoor ice and snow theme park, opens fully operational in China.
被吉尼斯世界纪录认证为世界最大室内冰雪主题公园的中国哈尔滨冰雪大世界现已全面投入运营。 China's Harbin Ice and Snow World, certified by the Guinness World Records as the world's largest indoor ice and snow theme park, is now fully operational. 园区占地面积23800平方米,设有9大主题区域、13个体验项目,包括沉浸式冰雪光影元素、娱乐、互动等功能。 The 23,800 square meter park features nine themed areas and 13 experience projects, including immersive ice, snow, light, and shadow elements, entertainment, and interactive features. 即使在夏季,也能让游客“一秒钟穿越冬夏”。 It allows visitors to "cross winter and summer in one second" even during summer months.