传记电影《Girl You Know It's True》讲述对口型唱歌二人组 Milli Vanilli 的故事,揭露他们的兴衰,将于 8 月 9 日上映。 Biographical film "Girl You Know It's True" about lip-syncing duo Milli Vanilli, exposing their rise and fall, is set to release on August 9.
《女孩你知道这是真的》是一部关于米利·瓦尼利(Milli Vanilli)的传记电影,该片是一对因假唱被曝光而声名狼藉的 R&B 二人组,将于 8 月 9 日在影院上映。 Girl You Know It's True, a biographical film about Milli Vanilli, the infamous R&B duo who were exposed as lip-syncers, is set for release in theaters on August 9. 这部由西蒙·弗伦 (Simon Vroen) 执导的影片深入探讨了歌手罗伯·皮拉图斯 (Rob Pilatus) 和法布里斯·莫万 (Fabrice Morvan) 的兴衰,揭开了他们成功和获得格莱美奖背后的真相。 The film, directed by Simon Vroen, delves into the rise and fall of singers Rob Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan, as it uncovers the truth behind their success and Grammy win. 这部传记片是在二人故事中涉及的几位关键人物的合作下制作的,其中包括莫文本人。 The biopic was made with the cooperation of several key figures involved in the duo's story, including Morvan himself.