ACT 宣布 2025 年春季重大变化:缩短核心考试时间,使科学部分在大学入学考试中成为可选项。 ACT announces major changes for spring 2025: shortening core test, making science section optional in college admissions exam.
ACT 首席执行官珍妮特·戈德温宣布,2025 年春季 ACT 大学入学考试将进行重大变化,包括缩短核心考试时间并使科学部分成为选修科目。 Major changes are coming to the ACT college admissions exam in spring 2025, including shortening the core test and making the science section optional, announced Janet Godwin, CEO of ACT. 科学部分将从 ACT 的核心部分中删除,只剩下英语、阅读和数学作为可计入大学报告综合分数的部分。 The science section will be removed from the ACT's core sections, leaving English, reading, and math as portions resulting in a college-reportable composite score. 这些变化将从 2025 年春季的全国在线测试开始,并于 2026 年春季推广至上学日测试。 The changes will begin with national online tests in spring 2025 and be rolled out for school-day testing in spring 2026.