50 名年轻人向贝尔法斯特的警察投掷汽油和油漆炸弹,造成车辆损坏;没有人员受伤的报告。 50 young people threw petrol and paint bombs at police in Belfast, damaging vehicles; no injuries reported.
周一晚,多达 50 名年轻人向贝尔法斯特的警察投掷汽油和油漆炸弹,造成警车和公车受损。 Up to 50 young people threw petrol and paint bombs at police in Belfast on Monday night, causing damage to police vehicles and cars belonging to the public. 北爱尔兰警察局报告称,贝尔法斯特南部百老汇环形交叉路口地区的骚乱中无人受伤。 The Police Service of Northern Ireland reported no injuries during the disorder in the Broadway roundabout area of south Belfast. 当地警方将继续在该地区巡逻,防止进一步发生骚乱,并搜捕涉案人员。 Local police will continue to patrol the area to prevent further disturbances and detect those involved.