秘密组织和共和党捐助者推动罗伯特·肯尼迪 (RFK Jr.)、坎耶·维斯特 (Kanye West) 和康奈尔·维斯特 (Cornel West) 进行第三方投票,目的是通过从拜登手中转移选票来使特朗普受益。 Secretive groups and GOP donors push third-party ballot drives for RFK Jr., Kanye West, and Cornel West, aiming to benefit Trump by diverting votes from Biden.
秘密组织和共和党捐助者推动罗伯特·F·肯尼迪 (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)、坎耶·维斯特 (Kanye West) 和康奈尔·维斯特 (Cornel West) 进行第三方投票,目的是通过转移拜登民主党基本盘的选票来使特朗普受益。 Secretive groups and GOP donors push third-party ballot drives for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Kanye West, and Cornel West, aiming to benefit Trump by diverting votes from Biden's Democratic base. 在科罗拉多州,自由党试图将小肯尼迪推到选票上,而在北卡罗来纳州,康奈尔·韦斯特的竞选活动中明显存在共和党的倾向。 In Colorado, Libertarians attempt to put Kennedy Jr. on the ballot, while in NC, Republican ties are evident in Cornel West's campaign. 这些举措引发了人们对选民操纵及其对选举结果的潜在影响的担忧。 These efforts raise concerns about voter manipulation and potential impact on election results.