2021 年东京奥运会:美国队滑板运动员贾格尔·伊顿在脚踝骨折的情况下获得铜牌,目标是参加 2024 年巴黎奥运会。 2021 Tokyo Olympics: Team USA skateboarder Jagger Eaton wins bronze with a broken ankle, aiming for Paris 2024.
美国队滑板运动员贾格尔·伊顿在脚踝骨折的情况下获得了2021年东京奥运会滑板街头项目的铜牌,他希望在2024年巴黎奥运会上重复自己的成功。 Team USA skateboarder Jagger Eaton, who won a bronze medal in the skateboarding street event at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics with a broken ankle, hopes to repeat his success in the 2024 Paris Olympics. 伊顿回顾了东京的经历如何塑造了他以及他所获得的知识。 Eaton reflects on how the Tokyo experience shaped him and the knowledge he gained. 随着滑板运动在东京奥运会上首次亮相,伊顿成为第一位在该项目上获得奖牌的美国人。 With skateboarding making its Olympic debut in Tokyo, Eaton became the first American to medal in the event.