尼日利亚大学学术大会(CONUA)反对提高电价,呼吁给予大学特殊地位,并要求支付一年的工资欠款。 Nigeria's Congress of University Academics (CONUA) opposes electricity tariff increase, calls for special status for universities, and demands payment of one-year salary arrears.
尼日利亚大学学术大会(CONUA)对近期电价上涨表示担忧,呼吁给予大学特殊地位,并敦促联邦政府与大学部门合作发电。 The Congress of University Academics (CONUA) in Nigeria has expressed concern over the recent electricity tariff increase, calling for special status for universities and urging the federal government to work with university departments to generate electricity. CONUA 批评了政府吸引投资者投资大学的提议并敦促当局停止该政策。 CONUA criticized the government's proposal to engage investors in universities and urged authorities to halt the policy. 该协会还强调,自2009年以来,学术薪酬一直停滞不前,并要求支付一年的欠薪。 The association also highlighted stagnant academic remunerations since 2009 and demanded the payment of one-year salary arrears.