包括总理贾斯汀·特鲁多在内的加拿大领导人谴责巴勒斯坦权力机构向特朗普集会开枪,表示关切并表示民主不应容忍暴力。 Canadian leaders, including PM Justin Trudeau, condemn PA shooting at Trump's rally, expressing concern and no place for violence in democracy.
包括总理贾斯汀·特鲁多在内的加拿大领导人谴责宾夕法尼亚州前总统唐纳德·特朗普集会上发生的枪击事件,并表示民主国家不容暴力。 Canadian leaders, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, have condemned a shooting at former President Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania, stating that there is no place for violence in a democracy. 领导人表达了对参加活动人员和全体美国人民的慰问。 The leaders have expressed their thoughts for those at the event and all Americans. 目前,该枪击事件正在调查中,可能是一起暗杀未遂事件。 The shooting is currently being investigated as a possible attempted assassination.