伊利诺伊州布鲁克林警察在圣路易斯追捕一辆被盗吉普车时在 I-70 上遭到枪击,所幸没有受伤。 Brooklyn, IL police officer pursuing a stolen Jeep in St. Louis was fired upon during a chase on I-70, but not injured.
伊利诺伊州布鲁克林的一名警察在追捕一辆被盗吉普车时遭到枪击,但该警察没有受伤。 A Brooklyn, Illinois police officer pursuing a stolen Jeep into St. Louis was fired upon during the chase, but the officer was not injured. 事件发生在 70 号州际公路什里夫大道出口附近,一名嫌疑人从吉普车的天窗出来并向警察的车辆开枪。 The incident occurred on Interstate 70 near the Shreve Avenue exit, where a suspect emerged from the Jeep's sunroof and fired shots at the officer's vehicle. 警官离开了州际公路,嫌疑人继续沿 I-70 向东行驶。 The officer exited the interstate and the suspect continued eastbound on I-70.