皇家邮轮泰坦尼克号公司创建的泰坦尼克号沉船地点的 3D 模型,使用机器人车辆进行高分辨率成像,以纪念遇难者和 2021 年探险队的伤亡者。 3D model of Titanic wreck site created by RMS Titanic Inc., using robotic vehicles for high-resolution imaging, honoring victims and 2021 expedition casualties.
皇家邮轮泰坦尼克号公司正在领导一项任务,旨在创建泰坦尼克号沉船地点最详细的摄影记录,使用两辆机器人车辆捕捉数百万张高分辨率图像并创建 3D 模型。 RMS Titanic Inc. is leading a mission to create the most detailed photographic record of the Titanic wreck site, using two robotic vehicles to capture millions of high-resolution images and create a 3D model. 为期20天的任务将向泰坦尼克号的遇难者和2021年泰坦号潜水器探险队中遇难的五名船员致敬,沉船旁边将放置一块纪念在之前的任务中发挥重要作用的法国专家保罗-亨利·纳尔格奥莱(Paul-Henri Nargeolet)的牌匾。 The 20-day mission will pay tribute to Titanic victims and the five men who died on the 2021 Titan submersible expedition, with a plaque honoring Paul-Henri Nargeolet, a French expert who played a significant role in previous missions, being placed next to the wreck. 此次任务的重点是查明这艘船在1912年沉没的原因,并利用最先进的技术获取沉船的清晰、准确的图像。 The focus of the mission is to discover how the ship sank in 1912 and obtain a clear and accurate picture of the wreck using state-of-the-art technology.