巴基斯坦最高法院裁定伊姆兰·汗的政党胜诉,恢复议会和省议会的 77 个保留席位。 Pakistan Supreme Court rules for Imran Khan's party, restoring 77 reserved seats in Parliament and provincial assemblies.
巴基斯坦最高法院裁决支持伊姆兰·汗领导的政党,宣布该政党有资格在议会和省议会中获得保留席位。 Pakistan Supreme Court has ruled in favour of Imran Khan's party, declaring it eligible for reserved seats in Parliament and provincial assemblies. 法庭以 8 比 5 的多数票推翻了白沙瓦高等法院剥夺巴基斯坦正义运动党 (PTI) 77 个保留席位的判决。 The court's 8-5 majority decision overturns the Peshawar High Court verdict that deprived the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) of 77 reserved seats. 正义运动党的这一法律胜利给执政联盟带来了更大压力,并改变了国民议会的组成。 This legal victory for the PTI increases pressure on the ruling coalition and changes the composition of the National Assembly.