2023-24 年:印度的可持续发展目标得分提高至 71,其中北阿坎德邦和喀拉拉邦表现最优,比哈尔邦表现最差。 2023-24: India's SDG score improves to 71, with Uttarakhand and Kerala as top performers and Bihar as the worst.
根据 NITI Aayog 的可持续发展目标印度指数,印度的总体可持续发展目标 (SDG) 得分从 2020-21 年的 66 分提高到 2023-24 年的 71 分。 India's overall Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) score improved to 71 for 2023-24, up from 66 in 2020-21, as per the NITI Aayog's SDG India Index. 消除贫困、体面劳动、经济增长、气候行动和陆地生物等领域取得了进展。 Progress was noted in areas such as poverty elimination, decent work, economic growth, climate action, and life on land. 北阿坎德邦和喀拉拉邦表现最佳,而比哈尔邦表现最差。 Uttarakhand and Kerala ranked as top performers, while Bihar was the worst performer. 2023-24 年可持续发展目标印度指数评估了社会、经济和环境参数中 16 个可持续发展目标的进展情况。 The SDG India Index 2023-24 evaluates progress on 16 SDGs across social, economic, and environmental parameters.