54 岁的丽莎·皮萨诺是第二位接受转基因猪肾移植的人,但她在移植 47 天后因器官受损而死亡。 54-year-old Lisa Pisano, the second person to receive a genetically modified pig kidney transplant, died after 47 days due to organ damage.
54 岁的丽莎·皮萨诺 (Lisa Pisano) 去世,她是第二位接受转基因猪肾移植的人。 54-year-old Lisa Pisano, the second person to receive a genetically modified pig kidney transplant, has died. 她于四月份在纽约大学朗格尼医学中心接受了手术,但由于心脏药物造成的损害,她的猪肾在 47 天后被切除。 She underwent the surgery at NYU Langone Health in April, but her pig kidney was removed after 47 days due to damage from her heart medications. 皮萨诺的情况很特殊,因为她是已知的第一个拥有心脏泵并接受器官移植的人,而肾衰竭患者通常因死亡风险高而不适合使用心脏泵。 Pisano's case was unique as she was the first person with a heart pump known to have also received an organ transplant, as patients with kidney failure are usually ineligible for heart pumps due to high mortality risk.