约克郡兽医明星大卫·梅勒尼 (David Melleney) 在法国多尔多涅与伴侣梅根·丹尼 (Megan Denny) 结婚;婚礼片段将于 7 月 9 日在第 5 频道播出。 Yorkshire Vet star David Melleney married partner Megan Denny in Dordogne, France; wedding episode airs July 9 on Channel 5.
约克郡兽医明星大卫·梅勒尼 (David Melleney) 与他的长期伴侣梅根·丹尼 (Megan Denny) 在法国多尔多涅的杜克斯城堡 (Chateau du Doux) 举行了一场令人惊叹的婚礼。 The Yorkshire Vet star, David Melleney, married his long-term partner Megan Denny in a stunning ceremony at Chateau du Doux in Dordogne, France. 这场婚礼将在 7 月 9 日第五频道的《婚礼钟声和牛铃声》节目中播出。 The wedding will be featured in an upcoming episode titled "Wedding Bells and Cow Bells" on Channel 5 on July 9. 大卫开始在哈德斯菲尔德的唐纳森兽医诊所工作后,这对夫妇相识,他们和他们的狗 Yogi 住在霍姆弗斯。 The couple, who met after David began working at Donaldson's Vets in Huddersfield, live in Holmfirth with their dog Yogi.