派拉蒙发布《角斗士 II》预告片和角色海报,旨在获得评论界和商业上的成功。 Paramount releases Gladiator II trailer and character posters, aiming for critical and commercial success.
派拉蒙影业发布了《角斗士 II》的首支预告片和六张角色海报。 Paramount Pictures has released the first trailer and six character posters for Gladiator II. 这部预算巨大的影片需要获得评论界和商业上的成功,以避免派拉蒙接受其他制片厂的低价交易。 The film, with a massive budget, needs to be a critical and commercial success to avoid Paramount accepting lowball deals from other studios. 由于 11 月份有比赛,该预告片旨在发布前引起轰动并取得好评。 With competition in November, the trailer aims to generate hype and good press before its release.