谷歌地图在其 iOS 应用程序中添加了带有变色指示器的测速仪和限速详细信息,目前正在印度进行全球测试。 Google Maps adds speedometer and speed limit details with color-changing indicators to its iOS app, globally testing in India.
谷歌地图正在为其 iOS 应用程序添加速度计和限速详情,并通过变色速度指示器来警告驾驶员超速。 Google Maps is adding a speedometer and speed limit details to its iOS app, with color-changing speed indicators to warn drivers of exceeding speed limits. 该功能已在 Android 上推出,目前正在印度进行测试,并将向全球 iPhone 用户推出。 The feature, already available on Android, is currently being tested in India and will be available globally for iPhone users. 虽然谷歌建议依靠车辆测速仪来确保准确性,但该功能旨在帮助用户避免超速罚单。 While Google advises relying on vehicle speedometers for accuracy, the feature aims to help users avoid speeding tickets.