在青铜时代的黎凡特,军事劳动力对于建造城邦防御工事至关重要。 During the Bronze Age Levant, military labor was crucial for constructing city-state fortifications.
在青铜时代的黎凡特,军事劳动力在建造城邦防御工事中发挥了重要作用,并涉及各种任务。 During the Bronze Age Levant, military labor played a significant role in constructing city-state fortifications and involved various tasks. 在古巴比伦王国,军队修建并维护防御工事,军队服役需要持续数年才能修建这些建筑。 In the Old Babylonian kingdoms, the army built and maintained fortifications, and army service was continuous for the years needed to build these structures.