34 岁的坎耶·韦斯特前女友朱莉娅·福克斯 (Julia Fox) 于 7 月 8 日在 TikTok 上证实了她的女同性恋身份。 34-year-old Julia Fox, ex-girlfriend of Kanye West, confirmed her lesbian identity on TikTok on July 8.
坎耶·韦斯特 (Kanye West) 的前女友朱莉娅·福克斯 (Julia Fox) 似乎为了响应一股病毒式传播的潮流,在 TikTok 上公开承认自己是女同性恋。 Julia Fox, ex-girlfriend of Kanye West, seemingly came out as a lesbian on TikTok in response to a viral trend. 这位 34 岁的女演员兼模特在 7 月 8 日发布的一段视频中证实了自己是女同性恋的身份,这是她对 TikTok 用户关于女同性恋假装喜欢男朋友的评论的回应。 The 34-year-old actress and model confirmed her identity as a lesbian in a video posted on July 8, stitching her response to a TikTok user's comment about lesbians pretending to like their boyfriends. 福克斯的爆料是在他与坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)的一系列高调恋情之后发布的,其中包括 2022 年初与坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)的短暂恋情。 Fox's revelation comes after a series of high-profile relationships, including a brief romance with Kanye West in early 2022.