凯蒂·普莱斯的前夫基兰·海勒 (Kieran Hayler) 与马特·史密斯一起出演黑色喜剧《邦尼·芒罗之死》。 Kieran Hayler, Katie Price's ex-husband, lands acting role in black comedy The Death of Bunny Munro with Matt Smith.
据报道,凯蒂·普莱斯的前夫基兰·海勒 (Kieran Hayler) 将与《神秘博士》的马特·史密斯一起出演一部即将上映的黑色喜剧《邦尼·蒙罗之死》,该剧改编自尼克·凯夫的一本书。 Katie Price's ex-husband Kieran Hayler reportedly lands a new acting role alongside Doctor Who's Matt Smith in an upcoming black comedy, The Death of Bunny Munro, based on a book by Nick Cave. 天空电视台的这部电视剧正在伦敦和布莱顿拍摄。 Filming for the Sky drama is taking place in London and Brighton. 前脱衣舞娘基兰 (Kieran) 将与一众英国艺人一起出演该剧,该剧预计于今年晚些时候播出。 Kieran, a former stripper, is set to appear alongside a lineup of British talent in the series, which is expected to air later this year.