比尔·肖顿 (Bill Shorten) 发起非常规运动以修复 NDIS,其中包括波琳·汉森 (Pauline Hanson) 的参与并推迟了 NDIS 法律的出台。 Bill Shorten launches unconventional campaign to repair NDIS, involving Pauline Hanson and delaying NDIS laws.
比尔·肖顿发起了一场修复国家残疾保险计划(NDIS)的叛乱运动。 Bill Shorten launches an insurgent campaign to repair the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). 方法包括保琳·汉森的参与、在众议院提及性玩具以及将新的 NDIS 法律推迟两个月,从而损失纳税人至少 10 亿美元。 Methods include Pauline Hanson's involvement, a reference to sex toys in the House of Representatives, and a two-month delay in new NDIS laws costing taxpayers at least $1 billion.