柏林的一个周二晚上,作者和朋友进入了性爱俱乐部 KitKatClub,没有带手机和衣服。 On a Tuesday night in Berlin, the author and friend enter KitKatClub, a sex club, leaving phones and clothes behind.
在柏林的一个温暖的夏夜,作者和朋友布拉德来到了著名的性爱俱乐部 KitKatClub。 In Berlin, on a warm summer's night, the author and friend Brad find themselves at the KitKatClub, a renowned sex club. 他们在进入之前交出包括手机在内的财物,并脱下衣服,只剩内裤。 They hand over their belongings, including phones, and strip down to their boxers before entering. 该俱乐部有严格的着装要求,并没收手机以确保隐私。 The club has strict dress codes, and confiscates phones to ensure privacy.