林恩县 13 号高速公路布莱恩十字路口处发生多车相撞事故,造成 2 人死亡。 2 people died in a multi-vehicle crash on Highway 13 at Blaine's Crossing Road intersection in Linn County.
林恩县布莱恩十字路口 13 号高速公路上发生多车相撞事故,造成 2 人死亡,急救人员在中间隔离带发现了一辆雪佛兰科鲁兹和一辆日产 Rogue。 2 people died in a multi-vehicle crash on Highway 13 at Blaine's Crossing Road intersection in Linn County, with first responders discovering a Chevrolet Cruze and Nissan Rogue in the median. 日产 Rogue 车内的唯一乘客安然无恙,死者姓名有待通知家属。 The sole occupant of the Nissan Rogue was unharmed, and the deceased's names are pending family notification. 林恩县治安官办公室正在调查这起事故。 The crash is under investigation by the Linn County Sheriff's Office.