伊朗当选总统马苏德·佩泽什基安在与赛义德·贾利利的决选中获胜,他誓言为全体伊朗人民服务并与议会合作缓解紧张局势。 Iran's President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian wins runoff against Saeed Jalili, vows to serve all Iranians and work with parliament to reduce tensions.
伊朗当选总统马苏德·佩泽什基安在胜选演讲中誓言要为全体伊朗人民服务,并承诺与伊朗议会合作缓解紧张局势、渡过难关。 Iran's President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian has vowed to serve all Iranians in a victory speech, pledging to work with the Iranian parliament to reduce tensions and navigate through difficulties. 改革派候选人、心脏外科医生佩泽什基安在与强硬派前核谈判代表赛义德·贾利利的决选中获得了 1,630 万张选票,这标志着伊朗政局的一个关键时刻。 Pezeshkian, a reformist candidate and heart surgeon, garnered 16.3 million votes in the runoff against hard-line former nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili, marking a pivotal moment for Iran's political landscape.