莫特利总理向巴巴多斯杰出人物、前选举和边界委员会主席(1995 年至 2010 年)菲利普·吉米·塞拉奥爵士致敬。 Prime Minister Mottley pays tribute to Sir Philip 'Jimmy' Serrao, prominent Barbados figure and former Electoral and Boundaries Commission Chairman (1995-2010).
莫特利总理对菲利普·吉米·塞拉奥爵士表示敬意,他是巴巴多斯的著名人物,以对选举法和实践的渊博了解而闻名。 Prime Minister Mottley pays tribute to Sir Philip 'Jimmy' Serrao, a prominent Barbados figure known for his extensive knowledge of electoral law and practices. 他曾于1995年至2010年担任选举和边界委员会主席,他的贡献受到巴巴多斯工党的高度评价。 He served as Chairman of the Electoral and Boundaries Commission from 1995 to 2010, and his contributions were highly valued by the Barbados Labour Party. 塞拉奥作为一名律师也拥有成功的职业生涯,并因其杰出贡献获得了格兰特利亚当斯奖。 Serrao also had a successful career as an attorney-at-law and received the Grantley Adams Award for his outstanding contributions.