前国家情报局代理局长理查德·格雷内尔将华盛顿特区的发展和影响力与反乌托邦电影《饥饿游戏》进行了比较,暗示它正在推动异议和抵抗。 Former acting director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, compares Washington D.C.'s growth and influence to the dystopian film "Hunger Games," suggesting it's driving dissent and resistance.
美国前国家情报局代理局长理查德·格雷内尔将华盛顿特区的发展比作反乌托邦电影《饥饿游戏》,称其真实地描绘了首都试图通过一群精英来指挥全国其他地区。 Former acting director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, likens Washington D.C.'s growth to the dystopian film "Hunger Games", describing it as a realistic portrayal of the capital trying to dictate to the rest of the country with a bunch of elites. 格雷内尔认为,这种情况正在导致越来越多的异议和抵抗,就像电影中那样。 Grenell believes this situation is leading to growing dissent and resistance, much like in the movie.