2002年,22岁的罗伯特·斯科特·克莱夫 (Robert Scott Clive) 在北希尔兹失踪,一名 49 岁的男子因与此案有关而被捕。 22-year-old Robert Scott Clive disappeared in North Shields in 2002, and a 49-year-old man was arrested in connection with the case.
2002 年,22 岁的罗伯特·斯科特·克莱夫 (Robert Scott Clive) 在北希尔兹失踪,至今他的尸体未被发现。 22-year-old Robert Scott Clive disappeared in North Shields in 2002, and his body has never been found. 诺森伯兰警方在收到新线索后逮捕了一名与此案有关的 49 岁男子。 Northumbria Police have arrested a 49-year-old man in connection with the case, after receiving new information. 目前,犯罪嫌疑人已获保释,案件仍在调查中。 The suspect has been released on police bail, and the investigation is ongoing. 侦探督察马克·阿瑟顿呼吁任何知晓斯科特失踪当晚行踪的人挺身而出。 Detective Inspector Mark Atherton urged anyone with information about Scott's movements the night he disappeared to come forward.