德克萨斯州民主党众议员劳埃德·道格特 (Lloyd Doggett) 呼吁拜登总统下台,成为民主党内第一位这样做的议员。 Texas Rep. Lloyd Doggett, a Democrat, calls for President Biden to step down, becoming the first from his party to do so.
德克萨斯州民主党众议员劳埃德·道格特 (Lloyd Doggett) 成为民主党内第一位公开呼吁美国总统乔·拜登下台的人。 Texas Congressman Lloyd Doggett, a Democrat, has become the first from his party to publicly call for US President Joe Biden to step down. 代表德克萨斯州第37国会选区的多格特敦促拜登做出“痛苦而艰难的退出决定”,并强调他对拜登的尊重。 Doggett, representing Texas' 37th congressional district, urges Biden to make a "painful and difficult decision to withdraw", emphasizing his respect for Biden. 多格特有着长期的政治生涯,曾担任德克萨斯州参议员和德克萨斯州最高法院法官。 Doggett has a long political career, previously serving as a Texas State Senator and Judge of the Supreme Court of Texas.