Netflix 联合创始人里德·哈斯廷斯呼吁拜登下台,由“有力的民主党领袖”击败特朗普。 Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings calls for Biden to step aside for a "vigorous Democratic leader" to beat Trump.
Netflix 联合创始人里德·哈斯廷斯呼吁总统乔·拜登下台,称需要一位“有力的民主党领导人”来击败特朗普并确保国家安全与繁荣。 Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings has called for President Joe Biden to step aside, stating that a "vigorous Democratic leader" is needed to beat Trump and keep the nation safe and prosperous. 此前,拜登在与特朗普的第一次总统辩论中表现不佳。 This comes after Biden's poor performance at the first presidential debate against Trump.