2024年第一季度沙特阿拉伯全国失业率降至7.6%,较上年下降1.1个百分点。 Saudi Arabia's national unemployment rate falls to 7.6% in Q1 2024, a 1.1% point drop from the previous year.
2024年第一季度,沙特阿拉伯国民失业率降至7.6%,较去年同期下降1.1个百分点。 Saudi Arabia's unemployment rate among nationals dropped to 7.6% in Q1 2024, a 1.1 percentage point decrease from the same period last year. 第一季度沙特和非沙特人的整体失业率稳定在 3.6% 左右,其中男性和女性就业率分别上升至 66.4% 和 35.8%。 The overall unemployment rate for Saudis and non-Saudis has stabilised at approximately 3.6% in Q1, with male and female employment rates increasing to 66.4% and 35.8% respectively. 调查发现,96%的失业沙特人愿意接受私营部门的工作机会。 The survey found that 96% of unemployed Saudis are open to private sector job offers.