7 月 1 日:人民币兑美元中间价升至 7.1265。 1 July: China's yuan strengthened to a central parity rate of 7.1265 against the US dollar.
据中国外汇交易中心统计,7月1日,人民币兑美元中间价升值,达到7.1265。 On 1 July, China's yuan strengthened against the US dollar, reaching a central parity rate of 7.1265, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System. 中间价是由每个工作日银行间市场开盘前做市商报出的价格的加权平均数决定的。 The central parity rate is determined by a weighted average of prices offered by market makers before the interbank market opens each business day. 在中国的现货外汇市场上,人民币汇率每个交易日最多可相对于中间价波动2%。 In China's spot foreign exchange market, the yuan's value can fluctuate by up to 2% from the central parity rate each trading day.