财务规划师 Cheryl Haines 建议通过节税策略来积累退休金余额,从而最大化退休收入。 Financial planner Cheryl Haines advises maximizing retirement income through tax-effective strategies for building superannuation balance.
NGS Super 财务规划师 Cheryl Haines 表示,为了最大限度地提高退休收入,应注重建立退休金余额的节税策略。 NGS Super financial planner Cheryl Haines says to maximise retirement income, focus on tax-effective strategies for building superannuation balance. 关键是要长期投入更多资金,因为退休后这会更具税收效益。 The key is to dedicate more to super over the long term, as it becomes more tax-effective upon retirement. 如果您开始缴款较晚,请勿担心,因为仍然可以设计策略来获得更多退休和税收储蓄资金。 Don't worry if you've started late in contributing, as strategies can still be designed for more funds in retirement and tax savings.