在纽约雅各布里斯公园附近发现两具尸体,据信是 6 月 21 日失踪的青少年游泳运动员 Elyjha Chandler 和 Christian Perkins。 2 bodies found near Jacob Riis Park in New York believed to be missing teen swimmers Elyjha Chandler and Christian Perkins, who disappeared on June 21.
在纽约州洛克威雅各里斯公园附近发现的两具尸体据信是失踪的青少年游泳运动员 Elyjha Chandler 和 Christian Perkins,他们于 6 月 21 日在游泳时失踪。 2 bodies discovered near Jacob Riis Park in Rockaway, New York, are believed to be missing teen swimmers Elyjha Chandler and Christian Perkins, who disappeared on June 21 while swimming. 他们的死亡原因仍在调查中。 The cause of their deaths is still under investigation. 纽约警察局已通知这名 16 岁和 17 岁少女的家人。 The families of the 16-year-old and 17-year-old were informed by the NYPD. 此前,海岸警卫队在搜索了600平方英里的海域后取消了搜索。 The Coast Guard had earlier called off the search after covering 600 square miles of ocean.