亿万富翁安德鲁·福雷斯特 (Andrew Forrest) 赢得了对 Facebook/Meta 的诉讼,为追究欺诈性广告的责任铺平了道路。 Billionaire Andrew Forrest wins court case against Facebook/Meta, paving way for accountability over fraudulent ads.
亿万富翁安德鲁·福雷斯特 (Andrew Forrest) 赢得了对 Facebook/Meta 的诉讼,为追究责任提供了可能性。 Billionaire Andrew Forrest wins court case against Facebook/Meta, opening possibility of accountability. 美国法院将考虑 Meta 是否因允许发布带有福雷斯特肖像的欺诈性广告而违反了对公众的责任。 US court will consider if Meta breached duty to public by allowing fraudulent ads with Forrest's likeness. 福雷斯特是铁矿石生产商 Fortescue 的创始人,根据加州普通法,他因姓名和肖像被盗用而有权提起诉讼。 Forrest, iron ore miner Fortescue founder, has cause for action under California common law for misappropriation of his name and likeness. Meta 将被迫在其广告平台上披露敏感信息。 Meta will be forced to reveal sensitive information on its advertising platform.