26 岁的泰勒弗里茨以 6-4、6-3 击败马克斯珀塞尔,赢得了他的第三个伊斯特本冠军。 26-year-old Taylor Fritz won his third Eastbourne title, defeating Max Purcell 6-4, 6-3.
泰勒·弗里茨在伊斯特本连续获得三个冠军,在决赛中以 6-4、6-3 击败澳大利亚选手马克斯·珀塞尔,夺得罗萨西国际赛冠军。 Taylor Fritz clinched a hat-trick of titles at Eastbourne, winning the Rothesay International by defeating Australian Max Purcell 6-4, 6-3 in the final. 26 岁的弗里茨成为该赛事历史上第一位三次夺冠的美国人,共获得过八次巡回赛级别的冠军。 Fritz, aged 26, became the first American to win three times in the tournament's history, with a total of eight tour-level titles to his name. 头号种子在整场比赛中未丢一盘,并以强劲的发球和积极的打法占据主导地位。 The top seed did not lose a set throughout the competition, and dominated with a booming serve and aggressive play.