23 岁的 Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade 因肉瘤去世,引发了对肉瘤研究的筹款支持。 23-year-old Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade's death from sarcoma sparks fundraising boost for sarcoma research.
23 岁的 Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade(真名 Alex)因肉瘤(一种罕见的骨和软组织癌症)去世,引发了对肉瘤研究的筹款热潮。 23-year-old Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade's (real name Alex) death from sarcoma, a rare bone and soft tissue cancer, sparked a fundraising boost for sarcoma research. 他的数百万粉丝和其他 YouTube 用户支持这一事业,帮助英国肉瘤协会“彻底改变”其工作。 His millions of followers and fellow YouTubers supported the cause, helping Sarcoma UK "revolutionise" its work. 该慈善机构估计,每年有超过 5,000 人患有肉瘤,其中约 400 人是年轻人。 The charity estimates sarcomas affect just over 5,000 people each year, with around 400 being young people.