防弹少年团的 Jin 确认服完兵役后将推出新音乐和综艺节目,而 Jimin 的专辑《Super Tuna》的发行则推迟。 BTS' Jin confirms new music and variety shows after military service, with Jimin's album release delaying "Super Tuna".
防弹少年团的 Jin 是第一位完成兵役的成员,他通过新音乐和综艺节目预告自己将回归,并证实自退伍以来一直在录音和拍摄。 BTS' Jin, the first member to complete military service, has teased his return with new music and variety shows, confirming he has been recording and filming since his discharge. 他向粉丝们保证,新的项目将在几个月后发布。 He reassured fans that new projects will be released in a few months. 此外,Jin 回答了关于 Jimin 即将发行的专辑的问题,表示专辑即将发行,因此他决定推迟《Super Tuna》歌曲。 Additionally, Jin responded to a question about Jimin's upcoming album, stating it will be released soon, so he has decided to postpone the "Super Tuna" song.