2008 年硫酸袭击者凯蒂派珀的前男友丹尼尔林奇定于 7 月 23 日至 24 日举行私人假释听证会。 2008 acid attack perpetrator Katie Piper's ex-boyfriend, Daniel Lynch, scheduled for private parole hearing on July 23-24.
凯蒂·派珀的前男友丹尼尔·林奇 (Daniel Lynch) 计划于 2008 年对她进行硫酸袭击,他将于 7 月 23 日和 24 日接受私人假释听证会。 Katie Piper's ex-boyfriend Daniel Lynch, who orchestrated the 2008 acid attack on her, is scheduled for a private parole hearing on July 23 and 24. 2009 年,林奇因安排斯蒂芬·西尔维斯特向派珀泼硫酸,导致她一只眼睛失明而被判处终身监禁,最低刑期为 16 年。 Lynch, convicted for arranging Stefan Sylvestre to throw acid at Piper, causing her to lose sight in one eye, was jailed for life with a minimum term of 16 years in 2009. 如果获得假释,林奇将被转移到开放式监狱或考虑“现实的”释放前景。 If granted parole, Lynch would be assessed for a move to an open prison or considered for a "realistic prospect" of release.