两名女性起诉沃尔顿市政府、前市长和市书记员种族歧视、报复和玩忽职守,声称她们因揭露腐败而被解雇。 2 women sued the City of Walton, former mayor, and city clerk for racial discrimination, retaliation, and negligence, alleging they were fired for exposing corruption.
两名女性 Cindy Kirtley 和 Tiechia Miles 向沃尔顿市、前市长 Gabriel Brown 和市书记 Gevana Hicks 提起诉讼,指控他们种族歧视、报复和疏忽。 2 women, Cindy Kirtley & Tiechia Miles, filed a lawsuit against the City of Walton, former mayor Gabriel Brown and City Clerk Gevana Hicks, accusing them of racial discrimination, retaliation & negligence. 前助理市政秘书科特利 (Kirtley) 和合同市政清洁工迈尔斯 (Miles) 声称,他们因揭露市政官员的腐败而受到惩罚和解雇。 Kirtley, former assistant city clerk, & Miles, contracted city cleaner, claim they were punished & fired for exposing city officials' corruption.