两名牛顿县委员贝恩斯 (Banes) 和林赛 (Lindsey) 因涉嫌侵吞 15 万美元的房地产佣金而被联邦起诉,涉及洗钱罪。 2 Newton County commissioners, Banes and Lindsey, indicted on federal money laundering charges for allegedly pocketing a $150,000 real estate commission.
两名牛顿县委员、主席马塞洛·巴恩斯 (Marcello Banes) 和律师斯蒂芬妮·林赛 (Stephanie Lindsey) 因涉嫌侵吞 15 万美元的房地产佣金而被联邦起诉,指控他们犯有洗钱罪。 2 Newton County commissioners, chairman Marcello Banes and attorney Stephanie Lindsey have been indicted on federal money laundering charges for allegedly pocketing a $150,000 real estate commission. 美国司法部声称,贝恩斯利用职务之便影响一笔房产出售,并从林赛处收受了 10 万美元的回扣。 The U.S. Department of Justice claims Banes used his position to influence a property sale and received a $100,000 kickback from Lindsey. 两名官员均被指控洗钱诈骗所得。 Both officials are accused of laundering the proceeds of the fraud conspiracy.