南卡罗来纳州弗洛伦斯县吉尔伯特大道发生致命住宅爆炸;一人死亡,一人住院;原因不明,调查仍在进行中。 Fatal home explosion in Florence County, SC on Gilbert Drive; one death, one hospitalized; cause unknown, investigation ongoing.
南卡罗来纳州弗洛伦斯县吉尔伯特大道发生一起致命住宅爆炸,导致一人死亡,另一人住院。 A fatal home explosion occurred in Florence County, South Carolina on Gilbert Drive, resulting in one death and another person being hospitalized. 爆炸原因尚不清楚,治安官办公室和弗洛伦斯县紧急医疗服务部门正在调查中。 The cause of the explosion remains unknown and is under investigation by the sheriff's office and Florence County EMS. 受伤人员被发现身处火海区域,消防员与大火搏斗了一个多小时。 The injured individual was found in an area engulfed in flames, and firefighters battled the blaze for over an hour.