法官艾琳·坎农对特朗普关于联邦调查局在海湖庄园搜查中处理不当的指控提出质疑。 Judge Aileen Cannon questions Trump's claims of FBI mishandling in Mar-a-Lago search.
审理唐纳德·特朗普机密文件案的法官艾琳·坎农对特朗普有关联邦调查局对海湖庄园的搜查不当的说法表示怀疑。 Judge Aileen Cannon, presiding over Donald Trump's classified documents case, expressed skepticism towards Trump's claims that the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago was mishandled. 特朗普的律师辩称,这次搜查是不当的,并且搜查令对于哪些区域可以搜查以及哪些物品可以被扣押的规定过于模糊。 Trump's lawyers argue that the search was improperly conducted and that the warrant was too vague about which areas of the property could be searched and what items could be seized. 然而,坎农法官质疑该宣誓书是否有必要添加额外语言,并且并不认为代理人在这起事件中做错了什么。 However, Judge Cannon questioned the need for additional language on the affidavit and did not see how an agent did anything wrong in this instance.