为庆祝成立 30 周年,边疆航空推出“100 次 30 美元以下旅行”促销活动,10 月 1 日至 31 日期间在 100 条航线上提供 29 美元的单程票价。 Frontier Airlines launches "100 Trips Under $30" promotion for its 30th anniversary, offering $29 one-way fares on 100 routes from Oct 1-31.
为庆祝成立 30 周年,边疆航空推出了“100 次 30 美元以下旅行”促销活动,在 100 条航线上提供 29 美元的单程票价。 Frontier Airlines marks its 30th anniversary with a "100 Trips Under $30" promotion, offering $29 one-way fares on 100 routes. 限时促销从 10 月 1 日开始到月底或直到机票售完为止,包括热门的美国、墨西哥和加勒比海目的地。 The limited-time sale runs from Oct 1st to end of month or until seats are sold out, including popular US, Mexico, and Caribbean destinations. 该航空公司旨在特殊场合以低价吸引顾客。 The airline aims to attract customers with these low prices during the special occasion.